Thanks to an international cooperation agreement between our Faculty and the UNESCO Chair of "Environment, Resources and Sustainable Development" of the Parthenope University in Naples, in recent days, we hosted Prof. Pier Paolo Franzese and Prof. Elvira Buonocore, who agreed to conduct a short course on "Ecosystem Services, Natural Capital and Environmental Accounting". PhD students of the Academia Copernicana Doctoral School and Global Change Biology and Biology students attended the course.
We would like to thank Prof. Pier Paolo Franzese and Prof. Elvira Buonocore for finding time to visit our University, conduct the course, and share their knowledge about research methodologies relevant to our planet.
As the course name suggests, we had the opportunity to hear about the distinguished categories of ecosystem services, types of capital, including natural capital, the basics of Environmental Accounting, and various methods used for Environmental Assessment. We also had the opportunity to learn in practice how to use dedicated Life Cycle Assessment software to estimate the environmental costs of producing specific items, using the example of pizza.
Thank also all participants for their time together!
We encourage all those who were unable to take part in the course this year to keep an eye on the date of the next edition next year.