Deadline for applications: September 15, 2024
Method of application: email: darsmol@umk.pl
Project Supervisor: https://www.bio.umk.pl/en/division-of-cell-biology/staff/smolinski-inf/
Other PhD Students in the Team: https://www.bio.umk.pl/?id=25328
Information to Encourage Applicants:
- As part of this project, the PhD student will have the opportunity to work with a newly acquired Ultra-high Resolution STED Laser Microscope from Abberior (https://abberior.rocks/superresolution-confocal-systems/facility/)
- They will also sequence and analyze unique transcriptome sequences (RNA-Seq) from cell nuclei, cytoplasm, and nuclear bodies, biocondensates – Cajal bodies using the microdissection method: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qf8qR0Cb2lI
- During the internship, candidates will undertake a funded research stay at Professor David Stanek's laboratory at the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague (https://www.img.cas.cz/group/david-stanek/)Professor David Stanek is an outstanding scientist with extensive experience in RNA metabolism and Cajal bodies research, and serves as a professor at Charles University in Prague, as well as Deputy Director of the Institute of Molecular Genetics.
- Candidates must have a passion for scientific research (internal motivation will help overcome numerous challenges).
- "Flexibility" and "thinking outside the box" are essential.
- Ability to work in a team and communicate effectively.
- Analytical thinking.
- A bit of luck (positive thinking skills).
- Willingness and ability to learn new things.
- Knowledge and understanding of cell biology, biochemistry, and molecular biology.
- Identifying research problems and critical thinking.
- Ability to seek help when needed.
Expected Development of PhD Candidate's Knowledge and Skills:
- Project management: ability to plan, organize, delegate, and negotiate tasks among team members.
- Perseverance: determination to continue and complete the project.
- Supervision and coaching: ability to impart knowledge and inspire others.
Employment Conditions:
- Duration of scholarship/project: 48 months
- Scholarship amount: PLN 5,000 gross per month for the first 24 months, increasing to PLN 6,500 gross per month after a positive midterm evaluation.
- Planned start date: October 1, 2024
- The PhD student will be enrolled in the doctoral school of exact and natural sciences UMK Academia Scientiarum Thoruniensis; qualified candidates will be required to submit recruitment documents to AST.
Additionally, We Offer:
- Implementation of a 4-year scientific project in comfortable and friendly working conditions.
- Opportunity for scientific development.
- In addition to a planned 6-month internship in Prague, other national and international scientific trips and attendance at scientific conferences.
- Exposure to cutting-edge microscopy techniques and molecular biology techniques.
- Mentorship and scientific support from the supervisor and their team.
Project Description on the NCN Website:
The PhD student will continue the team's previous research:
Required Documents:
- Motivation letter
- CV including achievements such as publications, conference presentations, participation in internships, training, scientific circles, research projects, awards, scholarships, and average grades from studies.
- Copy of diploma for completion of second-degree studies or equivalent master's studies
- Consent to the processing of personal data for recruitment purposes;
- Any language certificates and certificates documenting participation in scientific activities (conferences, seminars, internships, research projects).
Additional Information:
- Your personal data will be processed based on Article 6(1)(f) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (GDPR). The administrator of your personal data will be Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, located at ul. Gagarina 11 (University).
- Applications will be evaluated by a selection committee appointed by the project leader. The committee reserves the right to conduct interviews with selected candidates. Information about the outcome of the competition will be provided to candidates electronically no later than September 25, 2024.
For further inquiries, please contact Dr. Dariusz Jan Smoliński, Prof. NCU via email: darsmol@umk.pl